Wednesday, November 21, 2007

(Common) Sense and Sensibility

This day's post has just about written itself. There was a protest in Wellington against the EFB, much to the derision of the 'left' and some young people attempted to disrupt it by attending wearing John Key masks. ( I want one).

The Standard were rather cutting about it.

Bevan Says: November 21st, 2007 at 3:37 pm
Isnt it ironic that the group campaigning to remove the anonymity from potitical donations, turns up to a counter protest march with their faces covered by masks?

In the meantime a new poll puts national 14 points ahead of Labour.

On The Standard:

Nov 21st, 2007 at 10:02 am
Roy Morgan seems to have missed the debates on tax and the EFB for some issue that most would have supported the govt on

appears to be saying that the public will swing back to Labour - I think he is overly optimisitic. Then again, I am no psychic, and perhaps 'insider' is.

Most of the day was wrapped up in confusion (and that was just me) as people debated what would or would not be allowed under the new version of the EFB. I posted an opinion that the Labour Party and its supporter Parties have 'driven' people towards the National party so they have only themselves to blame.

As I posted this on 'The Standard' I shall go back and probably find my charred corpse still smoking, but wet from urine, dumped in a skip. They really are that violent on the left. (went back and found to my dismay that my opinions had been ignored.) So replace 'violent' with 'insensitive'.

Annette Kings plea for 'common sense' to interpret the EFB has been met with some derision. Even the hard out lefties have chosen to leave that one at the door, when they came in to debate today.

It will be interesting to see Annette King's progress after this. I sense it will be like watching a stricken B-52 fall out the sky, while we vainly watch for signs of a parachute.

virtualmark Says: November 21st, 2007 at 5:54 pm
Kimble, this is one of those areas where I’m a lot more sanguine about this bill than some. Personally I think:
* the Bill is poorly drafted and will not actually prove able to stop the behaviours it’s meant to stop* any attempt by Labour to see the Bill enforced will prove to be a PR disaster for them* the swing voters who’ll decide the next election are not Labour-acolytes and will be turned off by the attitudes this Bill encapsulates* the media attention on this Bill will tend to reinforce people’s general perception that Helen Clark is a cynical, mean-spirited, untrustworthy, died-in-the-wool politician who is only capable of self-interest* Labour will spend the entire electoral campaign defending themselves against this bill, making it all but impossible for them to get positive stories out into the media
I could go on, there’s other aspects of it that I think will backfire on Labour.
Overall it’s a sloppy piece of mis-guided & evil legislation that attacks our individual freedoms. But I think it’ll hurt Labour not help them, so for that reason I can’t get as wound up about it as some others.

In the meantime, the Greens are starting an offensive against Nationals' involvement with the Exclusive Brethren prior to the last election:


Gandolf said...

Really John Key masks ? surely it would have been better to go dressed as white elephants , or as a open paged policy .Or a book titled "criticism only" , followed by readers holding placards with the words "lets just sell the asset`s ,we have no other ideas " .

What is interesting about National is to see their politics havent really changed .Its like `deja vu` to see national still stuck with Piggy Muldoon type mentality ,delivering nothing new ! having no decent ideas ! Like Muldoon relying on a mouth and criticism only .

I`m no psychic either but i think Roy Morgan might have a few brains and infact be relying on common sense .He probably knows that National has had no decent policys and because of that they had to bank on EB deceit which has been the same over the Tasman with the same pityfull outcome ! the same public distaste !.

So Roy`s probbily thinking most likely New Zealanders seeing no real decent policy , faced only with Pityful National criticism .

In the end will come to their common sense and vote for a party that atleast has something more than criticism to give .

Unknown said...

Gandolf - why does a party have to have 'new' policies all the time? What is the previous policies were already good policies? This may seem strange to a supporter of Labour, but policy doesn't have to be a stream of new reactions to polls and/or Helen's whims.

Keeping Stock said...

Lee - welcome to the blogosphere! It may be only a small thing, but at least the likes of you and I can have our say here, without fear nor favour. You might ( or might not!) be interested in my take on the Roy Morgan poll (which seems to have been buried by the MSM)

Meantime, I will add you to my list of daily reads!

Lee Clark said...

Thanks inventory - I will do likewise! Lee